Tuesday 25 September 2012

New Idea- The Primacy of Consciousness

Russell, P (2009) The Primacy of Consciousness
Retrieved from: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-primacy-of-consciousness/
After watching The Primacy of Consciousness by Pete Russell, a documentary discussing theories surrounding reality/consciousness, I have learnt the importance of consciousness and how Pete Russell believes it is more important that space, time & matter. He believes that the world we see around us is generated by our brain and the true reality could in fact be nothing like we see it

I wish to use this theory within my Level Design assignment. I have decided upon having the character with a split personality, meaning he can switch realities unexpectedly. This gives me room to utilise Pet Russell's theory; e.g. having a fairly normal seeming world that can switch to a completely different image, generated by the brain, at any moment. This could hide/uncover hidden items, passages, puzzles, enemies etc. Later in the game the character could learn to control his illness and channel it into a power, switching realities at will and even forming his own realities by choice.

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