Tuesday, 25 September 2012

New Idea- The Primacy of Consciousness

Russell, P (2009) The Primacy of Consciousness
Retrieved from: http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-primacy-of-consciousness/
After watching The Primacy of Consciousness by Pete Russell, a documentary discussing theories surrounding reality/consciousness, I have learnt the importance of consciousness and how Pete Russell believes it is more important that space, time & matter. He believes that the world we see around us is generated by our brain and the true reality could in fact be nothing like we see it

I wish to use this theory within my Level Design assignment. I have decided upon having the character with a split personality, meaning he can switch realities unexpectedly. This gives me room to utilise Pet Russell's theory; e.g. having a fairly normal seeming world that can switch to a completely different image, generated by the brain, at any moment. This could hide/uncover hidden items, passages, puzzles, enemies etc. Later in the game the character could learn to control his illness and channel it into a power, switching realities at will and even forming his own realities by choice.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

New Idea- Dimensions

Hargreaves, R (2012) Wind-up Knight Review- Clockwork Design

Based around the theme of Dimensions. The player begins on one axis using a similar camera view to Wind-up Knight; as you progress you unlock other dimensions allowing you to move towards and away from the screen. Player is given one environment and is free to explore and solve the puzzle, using a mini map to show locations of platforms in the other dimensions. Game starts on one axis and eventually unlocks into fully 3D.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

New Idea- Meteor Shower

Art Direction
Secroit (2012) A Trip To Wonderland by Secroit
The meteor shower last night gave me an Idea for a theme; astronomy. A 3rd person platforming tower defence game where the player must defend a planet from incoming space threats such as; asteroids, debris, space creatures.

  • Features star gazing, shield  constructions, weapon handling and space exploration. 
  • Protect your planet from incoming threats, you must survey the skies and stop dangers before they reach you.
  • Explore space using a map view that zooms out from the standard side view of your planet to show the surrounding area of  the universe, much larger than your planet.
  •  Progress up to larger planets as you play through the game. 
  • Space has creatures that attack your planet in different ways. The space creatures hide themselves within dark matter as they are made of dark energy. The protagonist has a dark matter camera that allows him to see the creatures and dispose of them. 

Idea for Theme

Secroit (2012) A Trip To Wonderland by Secroit
Retrieved from: http://secroit.deviantart.com/art/A-trip-to-wonderland-46545832

Formed around the philosophy that small things can have large consequences. Play through preset tragedies (Final Destination style) have to find what it was that caused it to happen and change it. The game is set in a mans trip. Don't realise it's a trip because you are being controlled by secret doses. Strange things happen that make you question reality. Big twist half way through where protagonist discovers the truth and the truth is stranger than reality...